Sunday, May 29, 2016

Honoring Sgt. Malbert Montgomery Cooper

Today I placed some flowers and a flag on Sgt. Malbert Montgomery Cooper's grave.  He did not have a headstone for his grave when he was buried on May 2, 1979. It took six years of negotiations to get an government-issued marker thanks to the efforts of Veterans Service Director Chuck Elmore, Veterans Service Officer Nadel Barrett and me, Patricia Bayonne - Johnson, President of Eastern Washington Genealogical Society in Spokane, Washington.

On May 11, 2009, I went to Spokane Memorial Gardens, Cheney-Spokane to photograph the headstone to accompany an article I had written 
about Sgt. Cooper.  My husband and I traveled to the cemetery and went to the office to get the location of the grave.  We wandered around the area where the marker should have been for an hour but couldn't find one. So we headed back to the office and the staff looked again  and gave us the bad news: Sgt. Cooper was buried without a headstone because he was buried by Public Assistance which would not pay for a headstone. They would only pay for the burial. But the good news was because Cooper had been in the military, the government would issue a headstone.  All I needed was his DD214 - his discharge papers.

I contacted Chuck Elmore by email, starting a process that would last six long years to get that government- issued headstone. I had two appointments with Elmore to discuss the documents and photos I had for Sgt. Cooper. Chuck knew all the places to be contacted, so he took over from there.

The matter was complicated because Sgt. Cooper did not have any relatives. He was married twice and the last woman had a son, but he had not been adopted by Cooper. It was difficult to find the paper work on Cooper but Chuck was successful. Then I got more bad news: I had to be the next of kin to apply for a government headstone. Well, I am not the next-of-kin; I am just an interested party trying to get the government to do the right thing. The man served his country and he deserved a headstone! That was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard  in my life! Chuck even talked to  Senator Patty Murray about it; the last response she got from the VA, was if we wanted a headstone we would have to take them to court.

Then Elmore hired Nadel Barrett, a Navy veteran in January 2015.  Nadel, a lawyer, took over Cooper's case and was successful in getting an approval from the VA without having to go to court. I received a call some time in May 2015 after the headstone was installed. My husband and I immediately drove out to see it.  A full military burial ceremony was held on  May 27, 2015. I have never attended a military burial ceremony and it was very moving - Honor Guards, Flag Folding, Taps and a gun salute.  What a Day!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Finding the Butlers - My Family Was Enslaved by the Jesuits

If you have read the newspapers, watched TV, or listened to Talk Radio in the past month, you could not miss the media coverage of the 272 people who were enslaved by the Jesuits and sold to pay the debts of Georgetown College, now University. Although I received very little coverage in the initial article, this is my story, too.

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society appeared in an article in the New York Times on Sunday, April 17, 2016. Two hundred seventy-two people were reported to have been enslaved by the Jesuits of St. Mary's County, Maryland, and I, Patricia Bayonne-Johnson, have ancestors who were among that group.

I first learned of my ancestors who were enslaved by the Jesuits in 2004 as we were making plans for the Hicks/Estes family reunion in New Orleans. I sent the documents I had gathered to Judy Riffel, a professional genealogist in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for examination. Judy noted that Rachel Hicks, my great-grandmother's mother, was born in Maryland on the 1910 Federal census. She knew from prior experience that Jesse Batey, a large plantation owner, purchased a bunch of slaves from Maryland; she went to the courthouse and pulled those records. One of the documents was an inventory for the late Jesse Batey. My third great-grandparents, Nace and Biby Butler, were listed by name, age, and value, along with their 11 children. The most important document that she found was the bill of sales for 64 Negroes by Thomas Mulledy to Henry Johnson on behalf of Jesse Batey in 1838.

When I received Ms. Riffel's report, I summarized her research and sent it to my aunt, Onita Estes-Hicks. As she began examining the documents, she Googled Thomas Mulledy. Onita learned that he was a Jesuit priest who served as president of Georgetown from 1829 until 1837. She also discovered the Butlers in the Jesuit Plantation Project.

The Jesuit Plantation Project consists of plantation records the students in the American Studies Department of Georgetown University digitized. They are records of White Marsh, Newtown,  St. Thomas Manor, and St. Inigoes. My Butler family was enslaved on St. Inigoes.  Those documents included an inventory, manifests, profiles of the slaves, chronology, resources, a bibliography, and the diaries of Brother Mobberly

In 1838, Georgetown University sold 272 slaves to large plantations in Louisiana. The University folklore says all 272 slaves died and left no survivors or descendants. However, many of the slaves survived the Civil War and were emancipated in 1865. There are almost 1000 descendants currently living in Maringuoin, Louisiana.

The Georgetown Memory Project was formed in mid-November 2015, a few days after Richard Cellini, an alumnus of Georgetown University, contacted me. He was seeking descendants of Nace and Biby Butler and found my blog when he searched for them.  The goals of the GMP are to identify the slaves sold in 1838, find their living descendants,  acknowledge them as members of the Georgetown family, and honor their sacrifice and legacy. I joined GMP immediately.

The Butler Team was formed in November when I returned to the library.  I asked the Tuesday library volunteers if they would assist me in the search for the members of my Butler family and they all agreed. The  Butler Team members are Carol Anderson, Pat Ayers, Barbara Brazington, Mary Holcomb, Juanita McBride, Dolly Webb, and me. Janette Birch is also a team member; she joined when she overheard us enthusiastically discussing the project.  Mary said, "I would pay you to do this research.." The team has found much information, and there is much more.

This is the first of many posts about the 272.